change Luminex(R) -> Cytek(R)
improve formatting in several places
fix recent CRAN NOTE about "Documented arguments not in \usage in documentation" in some internal functions
fix bug with write_to
dirname parsing when export is "matrix"
DRY code (create generic internal polyExtractTo) and group everything in ExtractToFuns.R file
export 2 new functions ExtractMasks_toFile, ExtractMasks_toBase64
improve documentation (clarification, formatting)
add forgotten (in mode
parameter description in ExtractImages_toBase64/ExtractMasks_toBase64
add new base64_id
and base64_att
arguments to ExtractImages_toBase64/ExtractMasks_toBase64
add explicit overwrite
argument to ExtractImages_toFile/ExtractMasks_toFile and limit the use of param$write_to
to situtations where param$export
was already set to "file" by user
DRY code, separate file read/decomp
add experimental quantile normalization at image extraction time by setting input_range
within ]0,1[
improve documentation (clarification, formatting)
remove bits
argument from XIFtoTIFF and hpp/cpp functions for decomp to raw vector and only use 16 bits gray levels
add "none" decompression (=1) logic in decomp.hpp
add 1 row in align.hpp
fix bug in applyGatingStrategy where graphs were wrongly imported (fixed by setting simplify = FALSE
in sapply)
fix behaviour of keep
apply fix to contourplot to handle new behaviour of R && and || "with LHS or RHS larger than one"
fix bug with axis computation when it is transformed by smoothLingLog or smoothAsinh. Then, if viewport is "data" and all data is contained within [-hyper,+hyper] range, the axisExtent becomes infinite which triggered an error
fix device opening/closing, adjustGraph should leave graph device(s) as is after testing if graph is drawable
use quote() to decrease footprint of large object(s) on trace when recovering from errors
adjust density to rendering size in plot_raster so as to produce graph with (more) similar colors as plot_base base graphics
remove hard dependency on jpeg
, png
, and tiff
expand_list: fix bug in internal expand_list which leads to only partial conversion of xml node to list, affecting notably correct extraction of ViewingModes in getInfo()
trans.hpp: some cycles less (replace () by [], avoid unnecessary copies)
utils.hpp: hpp_mfpmatch init pat
in recommended way
utils.hpp: hpp_seqmatch less frequently checkUserInterrupt
work on plot:
detect if device has been modified during plotting (raster)
pass returned value of hpp_coord_to_px from IntegerMatrix to NumericMatrix (in order to allow comparison with graphics::grconvertX and graphics::grconvertY) (raster)
fix some off-by-one in points pixel coords (raster)
fix out-of-range indexing in hpp_raster, hpp_shape_rev, hpp_shape_combine (raster)
compute density colors on points inside xlim and ylim only (base and lattice)
enhance axis tick labels position (base and raster)
restrict plotting region to xlim and ylim with par("xaxs") and par("yaxs") (base and raster)
fix typo in hpp_coord_to_px that caused x values to be bounded to max y limit instead of max x limit
drop density estimation for density plots in plot_raster and only use raster drawing logic for colorization
work on FCS:
add internal functions readFCSdataset and split it into smaller dedicated ones readFCSheader, readFCSdelimiter, readFCStext, readFCSdata
this could have lead to undesired error "mismatch between found vs expected number of parameters"
file parsing was performed assuming required keywords were upper case. now this assumption is removed and parsing is performed whatever the case.
was not NULL
or 1
formerly, other values could lead to undesired dataset removal in returned value. readFCSdataset is now used within readFCS to avoid that.
fix data extraction with non usual bytes order or sizes.
enh/fix apply PnG scaling and add checks for PnG compliance
throw warning on mismatch about data segment offsets read from HEADER vs TEXT segments
detect, report and correct offsets shifts (off by one) for TEXT and DATA segments
detect and report standard keywords padding and invite to use text_trim
add checks for $SPILLOVER compliance
provide more informative messages/warnings/errors
changes for inputs:
and construct options
with default values + user inputbefore if user wanted to modify options
, he had to provide options
with the exact options
now part of options
can be provided and missing part are reconstructed, in addition extra names does not trigger errors anymore.
a new text_check
argument allows user to get more information about compliance of text segment towards FCS specifications for required keywords .this now helps to more clearly identify missing or invalid keywords (e.g. PnE used for scaling)
a new text_trim
argument allows user to get control on text parsing and tweak whitespace trim in keywords name
a new text_empty
argument is here to try to handle non compliant files with empty keyword value + add detection of these potential empty values
add space
in options$header
for completeness
changes for outputs
add "raw" attribute to returned delimiter
add "offset" attribute to returned header
enh/fix write PnG to 1
fix remove empty keywords on file export
fix bad regex for identification of $Pn[N,B,E,R,S]
this could have lead to undesired removal of keywords during FCS export
only allow the use of 0x01-0xFE as delimiter
for FCS export
ensure that exported keywords (names) do contain only printable ASCII
this means that to follow FCS3.0 specifications keywords should be 0x20-0x7E only.
enforce "UTF-8" export (FCS3.1 says that $UNICODE is deprecated and all keywords values have to be "UTF-8")
ensure that delimiter
is not the first character of any keyword on export
fix comma "," replacement to space " " on $PnN
before they were replaced by underscore "_".
fix bug in data_modify_regions and data_modify_pops (stats should be recomputed)
fix CRC that was not written on export despite being mandatory in FCS3.0 (add default 00000000 CRC segment)
fix writing data_beg/data_end offsets in HEADER segment
when any of them is >= 1e8, then BOTH should be 0 and $BEGINDATA
in TEXT segment should report offsets. Before only the one(s) >= 1e8 was/were set to 0 in HEADER (though, TEXT segment was correct)
fix bug with offsets being bounded or converted to NA_integer. Offsets were stored as uint32_t in hpp/cpp and placed in Rcpp::IntegerVector and then converted with as.integer in R which makes them undesirably bounded to [-(2^31-1) : -2^31-1], i.e. max 2GB files):
In hpp/cpp we now use std::size_t to access files at desired position and store offset in Rcpp::NumericVector and in R, we remove the as.integer conversions,
current IFD offset serves as reference for next computed offsets which are supposed to be greater than this reference (except for 0x00000000 last one) and next offset (for IFD or eventual extra content) are computed accordingly,
order of images files export has changed due to the fact that current IFD serves as reference for new offset computation. Previously, extra content was written before IFD. Now, IFD is written first and then content that does not fit within the 4 bytes slot for value is written just after the offset pointing to next IFD.
improvement in offset extraction:
dry code for hpp/cpp offset extraction,
Now offsets are faster to extract, notably when initial number of objects is not known thanks to vector pre-allocation (before push_back was used),
drop RcppProgress dependency. RcppProgress was used to monitor the extraction of offset within hpp/cpp. We now call internal IFC:::setPB from hpp/cpp function so all progress bars are now homogenized within IFC
speed improvement during file export (ExportToXIF, subsetXIF, mergeXIF, XIFtoTIFF). Though it still remains long.
improve logic (better mapping between value and steps).
using value < min in IFC:::setPB now allows for circular progress (i.e. pb restart at 0 and cycle once again and so on, until function stop). This way user can see that something is currently happening and not freezing.
automatically detect shiny for progress bar.
drop dependency on RcppProgress
this is achieved thanks to new functions R/seed.R
1/ fetch_seed (ensures backward compatibility while allowing new behaviour).
2/ with_seed (encapsulates expr
to allow its evaluation with seed while permitting RNG state to be reset once done)
fully handle set.seed arguments (before only seed
was passed and NOT kind
, normal.kind
, sample.kind
restore RNG state once done (before set.seed(NULL) was used on.exit),
allow no modification at all by using seed = NA_integer_
. It does nothing (no change, no restore), just R regular behaviour, so sequence keep going when a functions needs random generation.
For mask/features/regions/pops definition spliting or other internal stuffs alternative names needs to be generated. These alt names are created using random generation by gen_altnames that don't need to be statistically relevant. Consequently, they should not impact current R seed. IFC
package has now been restructured to allow this. Internally, when gen_altnames is used, we use of "Mersenne-Twister", "Inversion", "Rounding" by default as it was the one used in old R version (at least since RNGVersion('1.7.0')).
To allow random and reproducible sampling based on a string, a new internal pseudo_seed() has been created to compute a seed integer from string. It is used with:
pop or region name to pick its style/color randomly and reproducibly,
graph dimension(s) to show only a random but reproducible subset of points,
pop$def to decompose boolean population and create necessary intermediates for GatingML.
fix potential bug with writeGatingStrategy where random ids are generated to enable boolean population decomposition and export to GatingML (ids may have been duplicated ?).
encapsulate requireNamespace("shiny", quietly = TRUE) within with_seed (calling requireNamespace("shiny", quietly = TRUE) alters R seed).
make use of rng = false
attribute for cpp functions export when possible.
fix stats computation with infinite value.
fix stats in 2D (subset by dimension and not using both dimensions).
simplify internal StatsReport.
handle several edge cases:
add specific behaviour for sd(numeric(0)) or sd(numeric(1)),
var behaves as sd and improve NaNs count computation,
return NaN when pop is of length 0 or when all feature values are NA (except for NaN count),
return NaN instead of NAs.
allow to display progress bar.
return more statistics in extractStats.
add backend
argument to plotGraph, ExportToReport, DisplayReport, BatchReport to allow to choose which backend will be used for drawing. Default backend = "lattice"
, will behave as usual, while backend = "base"
and backend = "raster"
now allow user to use base graphics and further backend = "raster"
to produce plots with huge amount of points very fast. backend = "raster"
can also be used to generate reports of smaller size (which will open and render shortly).
plotGraph returned value plot
element does not exist anymore and par.setting
is now part of returned input
patch buildGraph to handle histogram plot extracted from rif files. In rif, population from graphRegion are used in order
which is not compatible with what IFC needs, so order
is modified if provided to remove these population names.
fix population order in legend (plot_base and plot_raster, not exposed before backend introduction)
adjustGraph (internal) be less permissive, ensure that features, transformations and types are respected (before only checks for existing pops and regions was performed). In addition, title should be recomputed when BasePop has changed. Finally, use it in applyGatingStrategy to ensure that plot can be produced when strategy is applied.
allow propagation of attributes (notably, "reserved" used by IFCshiny
add checks in popsWithin for recursive definition and for non duplicated names.
fix popsRename so as to handle graphs title.
allow 'base' modification in data_modify_pops + add needed graphs adjustments.
in autoplot, when drawing a region requires the creation of a population.
non-finite values when computing combined features should be NaN.
stats computation with infinite feature values and bad subsetting in 2D graphs (subset by dimension and not using both dimensions).
in *popsRename fix edge cases of renaming pops (e.g. swapping pop1 <-> pop2), fix GraphRegion (if any) which were not correctly computed, and fix to handle graphs title.
in buildBatch, exported files names computation when input files are not .rif.
fix bug that prevented file from being released when an error did raise during reading at hpp/cpp level.
allow for reading large files at hpp/cpp level by using std::size_t instead of uint32_t for offset positions (in scan.hpp and decomp.hpp, in addition to tiff.hpp).
potential bug with writeGatingStrategy where random ids are generated to enable boolean population decomposition and export to GatingML (ids may have been duplicated ?).
data_add_pop_sample (internal), don't set new_name automatically if missing and force user to provide one.
redefine_obj, list only once duplicated names, use new_feat_def for mapping "to" and obj for "initial".
add (internal) data_modify_regions and data_modify_pops functions.
remove hpp/cpp_fast_cbind_functions which are not used anymore.
data_to_DAF now makes use of toBIN_features and toBIN_images internal functions.
order of images files export has changed. Previously, extra content was written before IFD. Now, IFD is written first and then content that does not fit within the 4 bytes slot for value is written just after the offset pointing to next IFD (see work on TIFF).
typo, missing param in toBIN_.* functions and UNDIFINED in getIFD.
See the bugs fix above
IFC package has a new dependency to gridGraphics
plotGraph, ExportToReport, BatchReport functions now have a new backend
plotGraph returned value plot
element does not exist anymore and par.setting
is now part of returned input
Functions using random_seed
will now be used with with_seed (see work on seed)
Large files can now be used (though, still restricted to 4GB on 32bit OS)
When exporting XIF files order of extra content and IFD has changed (see work on TIFF)
RcppProgress is not used anymore and display_progress = TRUE
for offset extraction now calls the same progress bar system as all the other progress bars used within IFC package
improve and document logic behind switch_channel (used to allow changing all images/masks/features definition of one channel to another one)
create swap_channel function (which use switch_channel) to operate channel swap (basically, switch to one channel, switch to other channel, and merge)
Internally, the framework used for parsing definitions (features/pops/masks) has been consolidated to enhance accuracy and security. This is mostly based on splitn (for pops and features) which split definition into chunks according to allowed names and operators and ensure 1-to-1 replacement of them with unique random names created thanks to gen_altnames and random_name
create dedicated gen_altnames function to map allowed names to unique id
adapt splitn to handle features definition, simplify logic, make use of gen_altnames ancillary function, and avoid unnecessary unique id creation thanks to new alt_names
argument and add scalar
and dsplit
add dedicated split_feat (based on splitn and get_altnames) for features to avoid repeated splitting loop
object)create featureIFC for static features types/names (used to validate definition and also determine name of a feature)
create gseq/cpp_seqmatch to match string sequence, used by feature_namer
modify feature_namer (used to determine name of a feature)
"combined" features resulted in wrong values when extracted (dedicated internal get_feat_value and getFeaturesValues are now here to solve this)
data_rm_features caused the removal of more features than it should (due to wrong pattern used for features names matching)
object)fix potential bug with NAs / NaNs values, e.g. when graphically defined on features containing NAs / NaNs, the resulted event should be 'FALSE' and not 'NA' to flag that it does NOT belong to the population
limit the scope of evaluation for features and populations computation
adding/exporting "tagged" population containing NAs / NaNs value is not allowed
warning/error messages are now more informative during population add/compute/export
improve and dry code for stats extraction / computation
group internal buildStats and statsCompute functions into buildStats
add internal functions to extract and generate Statistics Report
fix bug leading to error (pops reported count was NAs) when features contained NAs
fix bug in plotGraph, ExportToReport, and BatchReport in feature summary computation for graphs containing overlay of populations (1D and 2D) for values of the region(s) drawn
catch errors in density computation for histogram and send warning instead but allow graph to be created as far as possible (already catched in plot_lattice but not with plot_base nor plot_raster)
swap labels and symbols when using plot_lattice to gain in homogeneity with plot_base and plot_raster
"histogram" legend were ok for plot_lattice but not for plot_base and plot_raster which were displaying pch
instead of lty
'NA' is now an allowed value for adjust_graph
argument in data_rm functions to force graph(s) removal
implement and export new data_add_graphs data_rm_graphs functions
adjustGraphs now internally uses graph as intput rather than indice(s) of graph(s) from IFC_data
object (which is more versatile and allows for testing any graphs in the context of 'obj')
catch error in adjustGraphs
fix bugs when trying to adjust graph in several places
1 - when testing if drawable which was not working since about
2 - when applied GraphRegion(s) result(s) in not found pop(s)
3 - when trying to applyGatingStrategy which did not actually test if graph(s) could be produced
fix bug in plotGraph, ExportToReport, and BatchReport in feature summary computation for graphs containing overlay of populations (1D and 2D) for values of the region(s) drawn
fix the fix which did not allow to correctly pass extra parameters to dots ...
absence of predefined report in the analysis file induced error when building the batch
fix bug when no compensation was provided
replace first_only
argument in readFCS by dataset
to allow user to choose which dataset
to extract rather than only '1st' or 'All' (default behavior remains unchanged, however)
allow import/export of keywords
fix potential bug with extra keywords due to wrong regex identification
gray -> rgb color conversion improvement
use Rcpp::no_init when possible
modify internal fastCbind (the underlying hpp/cpp functions induced more overhead than R cbind)
for progressbar, check if session missing and class rather than if length is 0
remove gc from fcs functions
allow to pass NULL and NA in texttomatrix / addText (before an error was thrown)
implement internal function data_to_AST to allow the creation of .ast file from IFC_data
See the bugs fix above
argument is replaced by dataset
for FCS reading
object returned by ExtracFromFCS has gained an new Keywords
new data_add_graphs and data_rm_graphs functions are now exported
fix ExportToDAF that exports xml files containing NULL values
encode files names to native before passing them to underlying hpp/cpp files for reading
fix error in objectExtract when info argument is provided generated duplicated arguments
fix cpp_check_range that could lead to error when input can be summarize to a single value (this could happen when image object has no mask)
fix cpp_resize that did not take into account resizing information for masks
add add_tracking
argument to mergeXIF, subsetXIF, XIFtoTIFF, and ExportToXIF functions to control whether exported file should contain tracking information
improve tracking of object_ID
improve XIF I/O speed (avoid conversion when building IFD and use raw instead thanks to new internal collapse_raw function)
improve numeric to string conversion when using objects ids as names/dimnames (e.g. avoid 1e+05, use 100000 instead)
create popsRename function to simplify population renaming in IFC_data
fix bug with popsCompute for type "C" (combined) population computation when population definition contains repeated occurrence of same population name
mergeXIF, subsetXIF and ExportToXIF functions gain a new add_tracking
a new popsRename function is now exported
fix trailing slash NOTE in last CRAN submission
fix cpp_normalize which did not take into account force_range parameter
preparing for CRAN release
use doi instead of url
modify some links that have moved
improve drawing speed due to internal that causes subtitute(x) to cast all x values to character
speed gain thanks to dissociation between IFC_plot
object generation from plot and stats production
create internal plot_stats() dedicated function for stats extraction
create internal plot_lattice() dedicated function for plotting (also rename convert_to_baseplot to plot_base)
create internal plot_raster() and rasterplot() + cpp/hpp underlying functions to allow plot rasterization for very fast 2D graph drawing
better legend positioning
additional use of " " to prevent heightDetails potential error
fix bug with plotGraph which was opening a dev to retrieve lattice par settings
fix bug with grouping and precision = "light" when number of displayed population was <= 1
transformations (axes + density) should now be provided as character and are matched against allowed names
add text_only parameter
speed gain thanks creation of internal cpp/hpp functions after code profiling
better handle files with extra keywords segment
fix fcs import for multiple files merging when no spillover can be retrieved + when they have exactly same features names
fix large fcs file export
add support to bad-formatted fcs files (with empty data offsets in header)
warn user on missing additional datasets (i.e. non empty $NEXTDATA)
fix progress bar bug when extracting images/masks offsets
fix bug with population stats computation when IFC_data object contains tagged populations whose obj are not logical (i.e. numeric or integer)
fix bug when applying gating strategy with no graphs
better control/coercion on files read/write notably for graphs
internally improve file scan by using raw vector target rather than string
fix internal whoami() which was erroring on namespaced calls (i.e. with :: or :::)
improve ExportToReport selection argument to allow graphs to be passed as a matrix that defines report layout
export new BatchReport function
transformations should now be provided as character and will be matched against allowed names
a new BatchReport function is exported
readFCS gains a new 'text_only' entry in 'options' argument to allow user to only extract TXT segment
allow to pass IFC_data
object in writeIFC()
now handle levelplot
improve .fcs input / output internally
speed gain and better accuracy notably for files stored with DATATYPE "I"
can handle files with non R standard bits length (i.e. not 1,2,4,8)
fix bug with large PnR e.g. "4294967296" which resulted in NA
buildGraph gains a new 'densitylevel' entry in BasePop controlling levelplot
when 'type' is "density"
when fcs is imported @IFC_date, @IFC_file, @IFC_fileName, @IFC_dataset, @IFC_version, and @IFC_FCSversion are automatically filled. $FIL is not filled if found. $CYT is not filled if found except if user requires it.
readFCS gains a new 'force_header' entry in 'options' argument to allow user to control if data offset(s) should be taken from header only
CRAN release
add color-gradient based on 3rd feature in density plot + add this 3rd feature as subtitle
fix issue with axis tick labels on Solaris (polygon edge not found (zero-width or zero-height?))
fix issue in internal addText() and hpp_mark() when added text does not fit into image.
allow stats export with data_to_DAF and daf creation from rif file reading
make changes to num_to_string to optimize numeric to string conversion when exporting file
fix bug with rif reading (ExtractFromXIF) that was also extracting not acquired channels
fix images values retrieval in getImagesValues (only one channel was retrieved instead of all)
handle "0" color value
retrieve "EVmode" information with getInfo
add experimental FCS reader / writer
improve axes labels positioning
modify how transformation instruction is parsed to allow for more transformations in the future
apply STRICT_R_HEADERS patch for Rcpp and change PI to M_PI
fix bug with base64id that was not quoted which could lead id to be truncated on space characters
modify string_utils to better escape and recognize regions, populations and features names, particularly when they contain | or when names are constituted of repeated patterns
add redefine_ family internal functions to allow images, masks, and features renaming and their propagation across upstream dependency
add support to more XIF files thanks to new internal testXIF function that allow to identify files with no mask
allow spatial correction directly from objectExtract thanks to the addition of spatial_correction parameter in objectParam
new experimental internal function to convert XIF to uncompressed TIFF (+ underlying hpp/cpp functions)
remove TILE support and only use STRIP in mergeXIF and susbsetXIF since it seems to never been used
remove hard dependency on object number retrieved from first IFD in getIFD allowing to get IFDs from other files than RIF / CIF (i.e. TIFF)
make decomp.hpp more robust to invalid nbytes, imgWidth, imgHeight, nb_channels input fix potential off-by-one issue that could cause buffer overrun in code although it should never be reached
new function to apply spatial offsets correction on images
new function to retrieve ASSIST tests values
fix bug in setting Raw Number features definition when using ExtractFromXIF
add new color in allowed colors palette "Control" now matches "Gray81"
fix bug that disabled styling edition of population "All"
add maxpoints parameter in buildGraph to control the number of cells displayed in 2D graphs
create experimental read/write/apply GatingStrategy family functions to save/retrieve gating strategy (association of regions / populations and graphs) with partial support for GatingML
better compute graph dependency in data_rm_ family functions
add adjust_graph parameter to control if graph should be removed or if it should be modified if possible
improve getAborted to retrieve file path of aborted elements in batch
fix bug in shiny progress bar which did not initialize with title / detail
improve mergeXIF and subsetXIF functions (speed gain + no more dependency on seek for reading current position)
data_to_DAF now allows to create daf file with statistics table
data_to_DAF now allows to create daf file from an IFC_data
object extracted from a rif file
ExtractFromXIF does not extract channels that were not acquired anymore
getInfo returned object gains an additional evmode
buildGraph gains a new maxpoints
data_rm_ functions gain a new adjust_graph
subsetOffsets and getOffsets returned object gain an additional test
getInfo now returns XIF_test
value in addition to former elements
objectParam gains a new spatial_correction
parameter which when TRUE adds a 2 new columns, namely spatial_X
and spatial_Y
, to the returned data.frame in 'channels'
paletteIFC now maps Control to Gray81
axes display have been slightly changed to show labels at pretty
positions when LinLog transformation is used
fix bug when using verbose in Extract Images/Masks + ExportTo/Display Gallery/Numpy family functions
fix bug in objectDisplay when image has more than one class
fix bug in ExportToNumpy object size was not correctly set
pass all cpp functions to header to allow more portability (side effect package installation is faster)
reintegrate corrected version of num_to_string function using format() did not produce desired results
add functions family to remove features, regions and / or populations from IFC_data object
allow to create graph report even if one graph produces an error also allow to produce graph with base population with no event (change stop to warning) also allow to produce density graph with aberrant shown pop filled (change stop to warning)
allow graph conversion from lattice to base
modify plotGraph return object to allow to pass it to base plot + better handle graphics device
fix solaris installation error